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Employees and customers have the legal right to have their data protected. This means proper retention and timely destruction of any confidential or proprietary information.

Company's/Employer's must do all they can to safeguard any identifying data. These can be items as small as a note, memo or email to more significant data such as employment records, client files and corporate data.

Corporate security responsibilities and potential actions

  • Establish appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards to insure the security and confidentiality of all records.
  • Make all efforts to protect against any threats to your security or corporate integrity, which could result in substantial harm or unfairness to your company, employees or clients.
  • Promote and support proper security habits among employees and monitor effectiveness of program.
  • Commission a trusted company to provide secure document destruction, proprietary materials removal, policy development, corporate training/support and program management services.

FRG Waste Resources, Inc. helps all of our clients with writing a policy that addresses specific company needs and corporate goals.


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